First blog post!

So here we are! The beginning of week two! The past week has been a whirl wind of excitement for me personally! To finally be at uni and working my way towards my dream career!

I’ll keep this one short and sweet but here’s a little bit about me!

My names Kate but most people outside of my family call me Kat, so feel free to call me either of those. I’m 21 and living in an apartment in Brisbane with me ever so supporting boyfriend. I am currently studying a Bachelor of Business Management in order to gain the knowledge I need to build up and run my own cake decorating business. I’m still learning and I have a long way to go but I’m just happy to finally have a positive direction for my life!

Just as a little plug for my self, if you like cakes (or even if you have any events coming up in Brisbane that you might want a cake for) go checkout 😀

So that’s pretty much it from me! As I said, short and sweet! I look forward to working with everyone and seeing where this all takes me!

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Assignment 2 steps 7-10

Hey guys! I’m a bit late getting this up unfortunately, I have had a hell of a week with a lot of unexpected events including an unplanned move so pretty happy to get this to you guys today! Now I know it’s not perfect and any tips (particularly on step 8 commentary) would be amazing! I did really struggle with step 8, I just found it hard to explain why my economic profit related to other numbers. Anyway thats about it. Let me know if you still need feedback and I’ll help you out 🙂


Datatec Spreadsheet COMPLETE

Assignment 2 Steps 7 – 10

Restating Struggles

Hey guys!
I’ve been rather quiet lately and probably not posting anywhere near as much as I should be but I’ll be honest, I just haven’t had anything to say. So today I sat down and finished my reflections for chapter 6 and finished off my restating. Now seeing as we have to talk about some of the struggles we’ve has I thought I would talk about that on here.


So for my own I haven’t had TOO much of an issue. Most things were pretty straight forward and thanks to the help of my tutor Louise in Brisbane I was able to get on top of it all rather stress free. I had a couple of items that I had categorised incorrectly but a quick look into the notes cleared all but one of those items up for me. The item left out was “Liabilities for share-based payments”. This item had no notes and of course I began to over think this. I began to think that this item was ridiculously complicated and that I would never be able to make sense of it. A quick coffee and breakfast break later and I decided that considering that this item is related to shares which I believe would be related to funding the operations of the company then I would place this item under operational.

Now most of my struggles actually came from helping our a classmate. Unfortunately her financial statement had very little notes and it became very hard to categorise her items. Especially when going over her Movements in equity as hers didn’t seem to have break down of her comprehensive income at all. After a couple of hours of reading and cringing and wanting to scream with confusion we decided to go to the second tutorial class so that she could go over it more in depth with Louise and hopefully make sense of it. It actually seemed to stump Louise for a little bit as well. Fortunately they managed to work out the kinks and she was able to continue with the rest of her restating.

That pretty much sums up the main issues. I ended up being more stressed out over my mates assignment that my own! This was also after being told that my own grades were suffering because I spent majority of my time helping everyone else. I think I did a bit better this time!


I’m still here!

Hey guys! I know it’s been a while but I’m sure most of you have been having the same fun of juggling assignments, general study, personal life and work. It’s great fun! Anyway just a quick post of my chapter 4 KCQ’s. Disclaimer, this is just a rough draft. I’m hoping to get some helpful feedback to help me out before submission.

Anyway I will try to get back on later this week and do a bit more of a post. No promises 😛

Assignment 2 – step 1

Have at it guys! Constructive criticism always welcome 🙂

Assignment steps 3 and 4 (DRAFT)! *UPDATED

Hey guys! So I’m sitting here reading over and over everything and I know there’s got to be more that I can put into this but I’m coming up blank! So I’m calling in a favor! If you guys could just give it a read and give me some feedback hopefully I can start to find my bearings and get a grasp on things!

*So I got some very helpful feedback and I’m here for another go! 😀 Hit me with some feedback! Most of the changes were simply added onto the end (discussion about finance and conclusion).

** I just want to give a big thanks to everyone who has given me feedback and helped me out with this! I’m definitely guilty of over thinking on this one.

Who is Datatec?

Datatec is an International ICT solutions and services group, operating in more than 70 countries. Originally founded in Johannesburg, South Africa, by Jens Montanana in 1986, the year that the first laptop was unveiled and the first personal computer virus began to spread. It was originally a distributor of networking access and communications solutions, comprising of two divisions: Datatec Networking and communications, and POStec.

They have three core divisions within the company, Westcon Group (Technology Distribution); Logicalis (Integration and Managed Services); and the Consultation group which consists of three of its own divisions, Analysis Mason; Mason Advisory; and Via Group – All focusing on consulting and research within the ICT industry.

Technology distribution is simply the sale of technology, both hardware and software. Integration and managed services is essentially their support network, they keep the systems running, provide storage solutions and solve any software and some hardware issues that may arise. Meanwhile the consulting and research group is pretty self-explanatory, they do all the research to provide the best solutions for their clients to help them reduce risk and improve efficiency.


WestconGroup has recently launched BlueSky, a cloud based service that allows companies to access multiple cloud services from the one platform. This makes everyday jobs simpler such as, Ordering; delivery; and the management of multiple cloud services. They have partnerships with many other software providers such as, Amazon Web Services – cloud computing services; Cisco – Worldwide leader in IT and Networking; and FaceMe – a business orientated video communication software. As shown here this makes things a lot smoother when completing the day to day jobs required for any successful businesses.

One case study that I found for Logicalis was essentially the reinvention of an office space work environment. This video explains the positive result of completely changing their work environment and using technology to cut down on use of paper, time spent out of the office and increase the levels of accessibility and productivity. Logicalis also works with companies such as, Brisbane Airport; Crown Limited; and New South Wales State records. To me this shows the level of security and professionalism that this company portrays to be dealing with government level clients.

The Consultation Group focuses more on the research of Telecoms, media and technology. They design strategies for implementation, provide IT advice and they are always looking for better ways to reduce risk and improve efficiency for their clients. They have worked on numerous broadband schemes for places such as the United Kingdom and Brunei.

Key Challenges

While reading through the Key Risks listed within Datatec’s Financial Report I noticed some risks that really stood out to me, one for example was how dependent they are on their vendors. They specifically referred to one of their biggest vendors, Cisco. They explained how approximately 46% of the Groups revenue comes from this partnership and how it is a main priority to maintain a “close, transparent relationships”. After having a look and stumbling upon their YouTube page I found a few feedback videos from customers, I particularly liked this one.

Another one I liked was how they addressed their dependence on their main customers and the credit risk they face. This is also combated by maintaining close relationships along with regularly operate rigorous credit assessment and control procedures.

Time Line

Datatec was originally founded by Jens Montanana.
Datatec was officially listed on the Johannesburge Stock Exchange (JSE).
Acquired Logical Networks – foundation of intigration division.
Acquired US distributor Westcon INC. – foundation of technology division.
Acquired Mason Communications – foundation of consulting division.
Logicalis merged its existing South American operations with PromonTechnoligia, Brazel, making Logicalis the largest network integrator in South America.
Datatec Group anual revenue exceeded US$5 billion.
Datatec celebrates 30 years in the ICT industry.

After looking over the recent financial report I have found that Datatec’s income seems to have slowed. Their overall revenue has increased by only $11,000,000, with a large portion of that being acquisitions. Current assets have also increased by around $50,000,000. Meanwhile profits have fallen by almost half between 2015 and 2016. Liabilities have increased and earnings per share has decreased. All of these decreases have been explained by either difficult financial environments, foreign exchange losses and restructuring. Datatec still remains confident that they are stable and that their position within the ICT market remains sound.

In conclusion, Datatec is an ICT company based in Johannesburg that has achieved a lot in its 30 years of business. It has partnered up with some of the leading IT companies and worked with some high-level clients around the world. They have struggled through-out the 2015/1016 financial year but they have remained confident. I am looking forward to better understanding Datatec’s finances and operations, I genuinely think they sound like an exciting company that still have many years of great ideas to come.

I have also completed my company spreadsheet.

Datatec Ltd – Kate Parkinson – 12053899

Financial Reports:

Datatec 2016

Datatec 2015

Datatec 2014

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